Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lost in translation

This blog has readers from all over the world. Last time I checked, there had been visitors from 91 countries in little under two weeks.

I thought it would be funny and interesting to use this opportunity to translate an important sentence into different languages.

Translate this into your own language and post it to the comments (remember to mention the language):

"Karl Pilkington has got a head like a fucking orange."


Petteri said...

I'll start. The sentence in Finnish:

"Karl Pilkingtonin pää on ihan kuin vitun appelsiini."

Anonymous said...


"Karl Pilkingtons hoved er rundt som en fucking appelsin!"

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkington har ett huvud som en jävla apelsin.

Anonymous said...


"Karl Pilkington ima glavu poput jebene narance"

Anonymous said...


"Karl Pilkington hat einen Kopf wie eine verfickte Orange"

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkington has got a head like a fucking orange, eh

Anonymous said...

Los Angelian:

"Like, Karl Pilkington totally has a head like a fucking orange, dude."

Anonymous said...

Northern Irish:

Aw mate he has a head like a fucking orange like, so he does...

Anonymous said...


"Tá Carl MacPilc an ceann mar an oráiste air"

Anonymous said...


"Karl Pilkington tiene la cabeza como una maldita naranja."


"Karl Pilkington tiene la cabeza como una naranja de mierda."

Kel said...


"That Pilko bloke's got a head like a fuckin' orange mate!"

mah said...

an attempt at Latin:

karl pilkingtoni caput modi arangium futuens habet

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkington heeft een hoofd als een fucking sinaasappel!

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkington má hlavu jako zasranej pomeranč.

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkington a une tête comme une orange de merde.

Anonymous said...


"Karl Pilkington har et hode som en jævla appelsin!"

Anonymous said...


Karl Pilkingtons got an' head like a fuckin orange, innit bab

Ryan.S said...

New Zealander (Kiwi):

Bloody hell mate! Is it just me or does little Pilkers have a head like a fuckin' orange!

Unknown said...

Minnesotan: Karl Pilkington has a nice looking head with a fresh orange blush!

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